Week 7: 16th- 20th October 2023

Topic: Science

Book of the Week “Peace at Last.”

Monday 16th We harvested our tomatoes we’d grown in our Vegatable garden Picking them, washing them and then roasting them on top of our pizzas We also started mading Halloween decorations- pumkins- witches- spiders. It was Florence Wrigley’s first morning with us, so a big welcome to her and her mum Natasha.

Tuesday 17th  We had stay and Play, we made more spiders, witches and cats

To decorate the Minet room ready for our Halloween Party Oct 31st!!.

We also looked.at the three pumpkins smal, medium @ large, and had our Italian lesson with Linda. Shabina had her second day of training at Evelina on SEN & speech & language.

Wednesday 18th Forest school we went to Myatts field to collect small leaves for our frog collages with Angela

We. Got to view the Opera “Peace at Last” by Jill Murphy. which was fantastic live music- harp, oboe, clarinet, Brilliant stage and sining the children loved it!!

  1. We cintinued with the Wellcom Assessments

Thursday 19th Gym down stairs Making giant spider webs hoops & wool with spiders, Computers with Shabiina working in pairs using a pad not a mouse

We acted out with puppets” Peace at Last”.

Friday 20th Puzzles,followed by clay with Sarah.

The Nest Pre-School Newsletter

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The Nest Newsletter: Autumn Term, 

Week 1: 4th-8th September 2023

This week’s Topic: “All about Me” as we are busy settling in all the old & new Children & Parents to the Nest. 
4th Sept Monday we had Inset. We have weeded both playgrounds and Sarah trimmed all our raspberry bushes, leaving our enormous cabbages. Sorted the toys and the paperwork.All parents must complete a new Parent Declaration Form 2023-24, to get their funding for 15 or 30 hours Linda has the paperwork.
 5th Sept Tuesday: We started our ‘All about me’ questionnaire, with the children lead by Angela and Shabina. Lots of play outside watering all of our gardens as it’s a heat wave. Next week we will have an Open Stay & Play session from 9.30—11.30pm
6th Sept Wednesday: for Forest school we cut and harvested the lavender grown on site, ready to make lavender bags. Inspired by the Lavender fields of France. All the children did lots of paintings and tried out our new puzzles.
 7th Sept Thursday: we stripped the lavender from the stalks and made our lavender bags. Revamped an abandoned football table, using bamboo and some figurines to make replace the missing hand bar.8th Sept Friday: we did Drama with Sarah we sang the Hello song & other action songs, including” Everybody do this just like me” and acted out the Stickman book using puppets.